Teaching consultants offer consultations on issues related to teaching with writing across the University curriculum. We welcome discussion of questions or concerns about writing instruction, whether courses occur onsite or online. Because our definition of written text is multi-modal and expansive, we are happy to confer on assignments designed to elicit traditional paragraph prose, numeric text, and visual modes such as figures, sketches, etc.
Examples of consultation topics include…
- Designing goal-oriented and course-relevant approaches to writing and writing instruction
- Crafting high- and low-stakes writing assignments and activities
- Integrating brief and iterative instructional activities into class plans
- Responding to in-process drafts in ways that encourage revision
- Devising productive peer-response and self-assessment activities
- Grading student writing using valid, equitable, and efficient approaches
- Managing writing activity across course sections and instructors
Individual consultations are available at no cost and typically include follow-up conversations and communication.